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Tuesday 17 January 2017

2017 Blogging Goals

Hands up who went into 2016 with a shit load of motivation to smash all their resolutions, only to find a few months in that they have either totally given up on them or forgot what they were in the first place! ✋

Last year definitely wasn't a bad year for me, I mean I bought a house! which is pretty amazing but career wise i'm just not satisfied. I have a full time job which pays the bills and I get on well with the people I work with but I want more. I want to put my degree to good use. This year I really want to work out what I want to do in life, and I seem to have an idea of where I would like to be by the end of the year. Aside from the full time job, I'd like to get back into blogging. I set this blog up a few years ago to get more experienced at writing about Fashion as that is what i love to do, however over last year I only wrote and published 4 posts!! Therefor this year I have decided that I WILL take it more seriously and have come up with a few blogging goals to help keep me on track.

Post Outfit Pictures

If you look through to my old posts you will see that most of them are write ups about shows, which I enjoy doing, however I want to get more of my personality across and one way of doing this is by taking my own outfits pictures. For someone that loves fashion and styling I never seem to take pictures of what i'm wearing, even on my instagram you can never really see what I am wearing. So I do plan on posting a lot more outfit pictures and also what I have recently bought.

Stop Overthinking

This is a big one I think for a lot of people including myself. Somedays I can sit at my laptop at just stare at the screen, not knowing what to write, doubting myself that what I will post won't be good enough and that no one will bother to read it. I think the blogging world has put a lot of pressure on people these days, that they feel they need the high numbers straight away or they are a failure of that every post has to be perfect when in fact we are human, so what if the lighting is slightly of in a picture, or you have misspelt a word, it  happens to us all as long as the reader can connect with you and you show your personality of in the post I think that is all that matters. So this year i'm not going worry to much on being 'perfect' and just get more experienced at writing and enjoy what I do.

Post Regularly

I know this may seem a contradiction to what I just said but I still aim to be a lot more consistent with posts. Even if its just once a week. I have come up with a content calendar in my Bullet Journal after seeing how Lily Pebbles does hers. I like that I can see the whole year at a glance which will hopefully make me more organised.

Promote Social Media

As I said above I'm not worrying too much on numbers especially these first few months, however I do want to start promoting through my Social Media. I have a link in my instagram bio but the pictures I post never relate to my blog posts, by taking my own pictures that should soon change. Also I really want to get involved in Twitter chats, Iv read through some of them but I either always forget when they are on or never actually participate in the chat. They are really helpful though as everyone shares their tips so you will learn new things and also getting advice from a fresh pair of eyes on your blog also helps.

Now I have written them all down it will hopefully make me more determined to succeed with them. I hope that I have inspired some of you to start thinking of goals for this year too.

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